It is the mission of Swainsboro High School to graduate all students with a meaningful diploma based on rigorous standards which ensures college and career readiness delivered by highly qualified educators.
Principal's Message
Students, parents, teachers, alumni, board members, all Swainsboro High stakeholders,
Welcome Home!!! We are extremely excited to begin another step on a journey to preparing our students and community for a successful Swainsboro Tiger school term
View our Calendar of Events
SHS offers a wide range of athletics and athletic events. Visit the Athletics page learn more about our sports and to purchase event tickets.
School Nutrition
Learn more about our School Nutrition and Fitness and View the School Lunch and Breakfast Menus
SHS prides itself on offering a variety of classes, and teaching rigorous standards to ensure students are college and career ready.
Title I
The intent of Federal Programs is to “help all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.” Our Federal Programs also strive to “enable schools to provide opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards developed for all children.” Federal Programs “supplements” and not supplants what the required Local and State funds provide.
What's Happening
Swapable Panel Container
By the Numbers
Students enrolled at SHS
Student to computer ratio
Percent of SHS teachers meeting professional qualifications
Swainsboro High School Employees